Property Management
We offer exceptional Property and Rental Management at Exceptional Prices!

Tax Liens And Tax Deeds
We usually have anywhere from 10-25 properties at any given time. Contact us today to get your list of what we have in stock!

Property Research
Due Diligence is crucial to the success of a real estate investor. Having as much information as possible before the purchase, can save a lot of time and money later down the road. We offer several services that can help you be better informed. Some of these services include, Deed and chain of custody review, lien searches, property boundaries, site visits, pictures and video of the property. If you are thinking about purchasing a property, contact us today for a free consultation.

Real Estate Law/Paralegal Services
Don’t be caught off guard or make a costly mistake. We offer a variety of affordable paralegal services such as Document Review, Contracts, Property Information Searches, Probate, Wills, Living Wills, Power of Attorney, Skip Tracing, Notary Service, Factual and Legal Research, Prepare Documents for Legal Transactions, Draft Pleadings and Discovery Notices, Interview Clients and Witnesses, and Assist at Closings and Trials.and Much More. Contact us for a free consultation.

Estate Planning
Estate planning is one of the most important steps you can take in making sure that everything you have worked for is protected both now and in the future. Our services include Living Trusts, Wills, Living Wills, Power of Attorney, Asset Protection Planning, Estate Sales and more. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Document Preparation
We offer a wide variety of Document Preparation Services. From complex to simple documents and forms, we can assist you with all your document needs. Contact us for a free Consultation.

Codicils (Add On’s to Existing Documents)
Sometimes situations change and pre-planned documents need to change. This is where Codicils come in. They are documents that add additional information to pre-existing documents. More commonly, these are used for Wills. If you have a situation that requires a Codicil, contact us for a free consultation

Estate Sales
There can be many reason for the need for an Estate Sale. Whatever the reason, we can help. From categorizing to pricing to advertising, we can make the process as easy as possible while making your Estate Sale successful. Contact us for more information.